A New Journey

Photo Overload

Guys, I want to share some photos with you! I’m having technical difficulties.  I will add more to another post soon.


My new kryptonite. ….home delivery!  I text him in Chinese what I want and he brings it to my door. This is pork fried rice and it is so delicious. I have to limit myself now that I’ve decided to drop 40 before my 30th birthday!  February will be here before I know it.


It took 15 minutes of declining and clarifying between the Chinese pharmacy tech and I. We eventually got on the same page and I have immodium again. I had no clue I’d *RUN* out so fast. Haha.


This is just our friendly neighborhood Walmart…complete with these guys, turtles and frogs.


For some strange reason, I thought I could find and recognize the 2 Chinese characters for “whitening”. Yeah…..#FAIL. Thank goodness a random man decided to help us out. I love my brown skin! It is wild to hear the Chinese women talk about their dislike of their “yellow skin”. The standard of beauty here also lies with white women.


He is doing Tai Chi in the middle of the park!


The local food market…..


My boss asked my thoughts on a school name and she actually used it!! SIDENOTE: I have my resident permit now and legally seem to be in the clear. It was a rough week but I’m happy all is well. My sister and I decided the motto for my Chinese endeavors is “But did you die????” (It’s from The Hangover 2 I believe )


This is my new therapy!!! I am loving the headwraps. However,  in a place where people believe black skin= Africa….some don’t seem to believe I’m American. 


Street Food! I will take a picture of the grilled cicadas next time. (ARE THOSE BUGS???!!!)

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